Easy Homemade Cherry Pie

Nothing beats the sweet and tart taste of a homemade cherry pie fresh from the oven. With its flaky, buttery crust and juicy, cherry-filled center,

Easy Homemade Cherry Pie

it's no wonder this classic dessert has stood the test of time. In this article, we'll show you how to make your own delicious cherry pie from scratch.

Easy Homemade Cherry Pie

– 2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour – 1 tsp salt – 1 tsp sugar – 1 cup unsalted butter, chilled and cubed – 1/2 cup ice water – 6 cups fresh cherries, pitted


– 1/2 cup granulated sugar – 1/4 cup cornstarch – 1/2 tsp almond extract – 1 tbsp unsalted butter, melted – 1 egg, beaten


In a large mixing bowl, combine flour, salt, and sugar. Add in chilled cubed butter and mix until the mixture becomes crumbly.


Slowly add in ice water, 1 tablespoon at a time, and mix until the dough comes together.


Flatten the dough into a disc, wrap it in plastic wrap, and refrigerate for at least an hour.


Preheat oven to 375°F (190°C). In a separate mixing bowl, combine pitted cherries, sugar, cornstarch, and almond extract.


Roll out the chilled dough into a 12-inch circle and place it in a 9-inch pie dish. Pour the cherry mixture onto the dough and spread it evenly.


Fold the excess dough around the edges of the pie, creating a fluted pattern. Brush the top of the pie with melted butter and use a sharp knife to make a few slits on the surface.


Brush the egg wash over the top of the pie. Bake the pie in the preheated oven for 50-60 minutes, or until the crust is golden brown and the cherry filling is bubbly.


Allow the pie to cool for at least 30 minutes before slicing and serving. Enjoy your delicious Homemade Cherry Pie!


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