Facts You Should Know About Cornell Chicken

There's a decent chance you've never heard the term "Cornell Chicken." Even some of the experts can't agree exactly how big a deal it is. When writing about it in 2019, the New York Department of Agriculture and Markets referred to it as a regional dish.

Facts You Should Know About Cornell Chicken

While some dishes are developed by several people or a whole group, we have one man to thank for Cornell Chicken.

1. It Was Created By A Professor

Here's the kicker about the Cornell Chicken name, though — Robert Baker didn't come up with it at Cornell.

2. Cornell Chicken Was Actually Developed At Penn State

Anyone can make the original Cornell Chicken recipe, and no matter where you get your recipe from, the first component is always the sauce.

3. It's All About The Sauce

When speaking to The New York Times decades ago, Robert Baker added that a one-pound broiler half was a perfect size, and you should also try to find chicken with lots of yellow color and yellow fat.

4. The Meat And Cooking Are Important, Too

If you want to cook Cornell Chicken exactly the way Dr. Robert Baker did, you can. That's because he did more than just explain how the chicken should be cooked.

5. You Can Build The Perfect Fireplace

As we've mentioned, Robert Baker wasn't just passionate about food — he was trained in it. After all, as pointed out by Slate, he had an advanced degree in food science and ran a poultry technology lab when he wasn't teaching.

6. The Cooking Method Is Scientifically Proven

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