Garlic Chicken Burger Recipe

To make this recipe, you will need breadcrumbs, mayonnaise, garlic powder, onion powder, oregano, Dijon mustard, ground chicken, salt, pepper, and oil.

Gather The Ingredients For This Garlic Chicken Burger Recipe

To make the panade, just grab a bowl and mix together the breadcrumbs, ⅓ cup of mayonnaise, ½ teaspoon of garlic powder, onion powder, oregano, and a teaspoon of Dijon mustard.

Make The Panade

To form the burger patties, mix the panade with the ground chicken. Then, season with a little bit of salt and pepper to taste and mix again to incorporate all the ingredients. Easy enough, right?

Mix The Ground Chicken And Panade

For this step, you can use your bare hands or add gloves. Just divide the chicken mixture into four equal-sized balls, then smash them into a disc-shape with your hands.

Form The Patties

Once you are ready to cook the burgers, grab a large frying pan and turn the heat to medium. Add the oil for frying and then place the patties in the pan.

Cook The Patties

This garlic chicken burger wouldn't be complete without its signature garlic mayonnaise.

Make The Garlic Mayo

Before you assemble the burger, lightly toast the buns. Then, assemble the burgers by adding the garlic mayonnaise, lettuce, tomatoes, chicken patty, and pickles to the bottom bun.

Assemble The Burgers And Serve

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