How Long Does It Take To Cook A Turkey Crown Dish?

When prepared properly, turkey crown can be a succulent, mouthwatering dish that will impress your Christmas dinner guests. But regrettably, mistakes are simple to make. For the best advice on how to do it correctly, keep reading.

How Long Does It Take To Cook A Turkey Crown Dish?

Oven temperature set to 190°C/180°C fan/gas 5 To determine the proper cooking time, weigh your bird; it is 20 minutes per kg. Next, add an additional 70 minutes (or 90 minutes if your turkey crown weighs more than 4kg). Butter or fat from another meat can be added to keep it moist.

How to cook a turkey crown

The turkey will not dry out if you cover it with a loose tent of foil. 30 minutes before the cooking time is up, remove the foil and raise the temperature to 200°C/190°C fan/gas 6.

How to cook a turkey crown

Use the turkey's own juices to bast it. When you believe the crown is cooked, insert a skewer into the thickest part of the crown. The juices should run clear rather than pink if it has been properly cooked. Put it back in the oven if it isn't and keep checking it with the skewer.

How to cook a turkey crown

Since the turkey crown is only made up of breast (white) meat, adding some fat to your cooking is essential for producing a succulent bird that doesn't become dry.

Turkey crown: top cooking tips

As a result, the white meat of your turkey crown won't be as moist as the dark meat, which is good if you're on a diet but bad if you want the fat to keep it that way.

Turkey crown: top cooking tips

Make sure your turkey crown fits in your oven before the big day. This is an extremely important last-minute check.

Turkey crown: top cooking tips

We measure the amount of actual usable space in built-in and freestanding ovens when we test them so you can be sure your new oven will accommodate whatever you need to fit in.

Turkey crown: top cooking tips

Generally speaking, depending on your oven, a turkey crown should be cooked at about 180°C/190°C fan, 350°F, or gas mark 5.

What temperature should I cook my turkey crown at?

Many well-known recipes advise preheating the oven to a high temperature to begin with (for instance, 200°C fan), and then reducing it right away or after a short while, once the turkey is inside.

What temperature should I cook my turkey crown at?

You can determine how long it will take to cook a turkey crown once you know how much of one you are ordering.

Turkey crown cooking times

According to the British Turkey Information Service, it will take 20 minutes per kg, plus an additional 70 or 90 minutes if it weighs less than 4 kg or more.

Turkey crown cooking times

Following are the cooking times when the oven is set to 180°C fan, 350°F, or gas mark 4: 30 minutes for 1 kg 1 hour 40 minutes for 1.5 kg 1 hour 50 minutes for 2 kg 2.5 kg in two hours 3 kg - 2 hours and 10 min.

Turkey crown cooking times

All of the top chefs concur that resting the turkey is a crucial step in the cooking process, regardless of the size you choose. In essence, resting means removing the dish from the oven before serving.

Resting the turkey

By doing this, the juices will have had time to absorb back into the meat, keeping it moist and preventing them from dripping out as soon as you cut it. To keep it warm and to keep the moisture inside, leave the meat covered in foil for about 15 to 20 minutes.

Resting the turkey

The amount of time it needs to cook depends on the weight of the turkey crown you select. As a general rule, you'll require 400g to 600g per person. You can get a general idea of how much turkey crown you will need to feed all of your guests by looking at the list below.

What size of turkey crown should I get?

– 3 to 4 people – 1kg – 5 to 6 people – 1.5kg – 6 to 8 people – 2kg – 8 to 10 people – 2.5kg – 10 to 12 people – 3kg

What size of turkey crown should I get?

The turkey crown, also known as the boneless turkey breast, is available in both boned and boneless varieties. These frequently arrive pre-stuffed or decorated with extras like bacon.

What about a boneless turkey crown?

Again depending on weight, the cooking times for these are essentially the same for both. However, many recipes call for cooking at 170°C fan rather than 180°C. Once more, examine the packaging or consult your butcher.

What about a boneless turkey crown?

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