How to cook a turkey so that Guests are satisfied

Is it your turn this year to prepare Christmas supper for family and friends? There's no need to freak out, though! You'll learn how simple it is to prepare and serve a mouthwatering roast turkey by using our straightforward tips and tricks.

How to cook a turkey

Before you begin, prepare the essential tools for a well cooked turkey: Large roasting pan for cooking the turkey; pastry brushes for brushing the poultry with butter; unwaxed white kitchen twine for trussing the turkey; nonstick baking paper and foil for covering the turkey;

What you need

a wire rack to be placed inside the roasting pan. This rack holds the turkey while it cooks, a skewer to check when it's done, and a carving knife and fork for when you're ready to carve.

What you need

All year long, stores sell frozen entire turkeys starting at about 2.5 kg (size 25), which can serve up to six people (see Guide to turkey weights). Make the most of your turkey by using these suggestions.

Turkey basics

Never thaw frozen turkeys on the kitchen island; instead, use the refrigerator. Thawing a huge turkey may take longer than three days. Once defrosted, store it in the refrigerator until you're ready to cook. Just before cooking, stuff the turkey.

Turkey basics

Allow the remaining turkey to slightly cool before storing. Take all the meat off the carcass, and then refrigerate it for up to a week in an airtight container. The carcass can also be used to produce stock.

Turkey basics

Wrap the leftover turkey in plastic wrap and store it in an airtight container to freeze. For storage of up to a month, label, date, and freeze. In the refrigerator, thaw overnight.

Turkey basics

Pre-heat the oven to 180°C in step 1. To arrange the turkey in the center of the oven, place an oven shelf in the lowest position. Take the other shelves down.

Turkey cooking tips

Step 2: Fill a roasting pan with a little water (this will help keep the turkey moist).

Turkey cooking tips

Step 3: Arrange the turkey on a wire rack in the pan, breast-side up. Cover with nonstick baking paper after brushing with melted butter. Finally, seal the pan by covering it with foil. Cook as directed on the recipe.

Turkey cooking tips

Step 4: Use a skewer to puncture the thickest portion of the thigh to see if it is done. The turkey is cooked if its juices flow clear. Place on a carving tray and loosely wrap with foil. Allow 10 minutes to rest before continuing.

Turkey cooking tips

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