The Secret Of Juicy Baked Asparagus In The Oven

You'll wonder why you never started roasting asparagus before after making this baked asparagus recipe. You only need 5 basic ingredients to make this dish, or 7 if you include the optional seasonings.

The Secret Of Juicy Baked Asparagus In The Oven

If you were ever looking for a healthy way to cook asparagus, along with tips and tricks on how to prep and store, you have come to the right place. Serve this simple green side dish for dinner along meat, chicken or veggies. Or whip up some eggs for a spectacular brunch soiree.

The Secret Of Juicy Baked Asparagus In The Oven

Cooking asparagus in the oven delivers a quick and healthy side dish that is easily customizable. Plus, I think it is the easiest way to cook it. Once you learn all there is to know about prepping, storing and cooking, the fun part comes in the seasoning and serving.

The Secret Of Juicy Baked Asparagus In The Oven

For consistently perfect roasted asparagus, you only need 5 basic ingredients; if you include the optional seasonings, that number rises to 7.

Ingredient List

The choice between thin and thick asparagus, or the thickness of the asparagus, is largely a matter of taste. Asparagus that is pencil thin is sweeter while asparagus that is thicker has a stronger flavor and aroma.

Ingredient List

While thick asparagus is available year-round, the thinner variety is typically only found in grocery stores during the asparagus season. Below, we'll talk about variations in cooking times!

Ingredient List

Initially, clean it. To do this, rinse gently to get rid of any dirt or debris under cool running water. After that, use a fresh kitchen towel to completely dry the spears. Every time, the hot oven and dry surface guarantee the best possible crispness.

How to prepare it for roasting?

Preheat. The oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit (218 Degrees C). Put parchment paper on a sizable baking sheet and set it aside.

How to bake asparagus in the oven?

Launder and dry. The asparagus spears should be rinsed under cold, running water. Transferring them to a fresh kitchen towel will help them to dry as much as they can.

How to bake asparagus in the oven?

Trim. With your fingers, cut off the asparagus's woody ends, which are between one and two inches from the bottom. It ought to naturally separate.

How to bake asparagus in the oven?

Alternately, to speed things up, you can gather them all together and use a knife to cut the ends all at once. Save the trimmings for future stockmaking or discard them.

How to bake asparagus in the oven?

Add salt and pepper to taste. On the prepared baking sheet, arrange the asparagus spears. Sprinkle them with salt, pepper, and minced garlic after drizzling them with olive oil. Toss until the oil and seasoning are evenly distributed on all of them.

How to bake asparagus in the oven?

Add cheese (optional). If using, sprinkle them with grated parmesan cheese.

How to bake asparagus in the oven?

Roast. For thick asparagus spears, bake for 12–14 minutes; for thin spears, bake for 8–10 minutes, or until a paring knife (or fork) inserted at the base of the largest spear encounters little resistance.

How to bake asparagus in the oven?

Serve. Place on a sizable serving plate. drizzle with lemon juice if you'd like. While they are still warm, serve.

How to bake asparagus in the oven?

I found the ideal temperature to roast asparagus to be 425 degrees F. This is the fastest and most efficient.

What temperature to bake?

Depending on the thickness, the cooking time will change for asparagus. Compared to thinner spears, thicker spears will cook more slowly. Read on to discover more.

How long to bake asparagus?

Roasted asparagus is the perfect side dish to serve with any main meal, protein, or full spread of veggies. And if you were wondering what protein goes well with asparagus, you are in the right place.

What to serve it with?

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