Recipe For Molasses-Balsamic Syrup Reduction

Molasses-Balsamic Syrup Reduction

Add bold flavors to a dish can be especially challenging when you cook for vegetarians. This reduction is an easy way to brighten potatoes, yams or other starches.

1. Info for Molasses-Balsamic Syrup Reduction

2. Ingredients for Molasses-Balsamic Syrup Reduction

3. Directions:

  1. For the molasses-balsamic syrup, pour 3 Tbs of molasses and the balsamic syrup into a heavy-bottomed saucepan at a medium high heat for about 6 minutes. Once the syrup starts to bubble, reduce the heat to a low simmer for another 6 minutes. You’ll get a nice thick consistency. Remove from the stove, then let the syrup cool down to room temperature.
  2. Drizzle over your dish or place a small amount in a dipping bowl then fill with a good quality olive oil. Accompanied by a complementary bread, you’ll have a perfect appetizer.

4. Tips and advices:

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