Roast Beef Pot Pie Recipe

Roast Beef Pot Pie Recipe

As I expected, two people weren’t able to finish the 1½ pound pot roast I prepared yesterday. So what to do with the leftovers? Make pot pie, of course! Especially since it’s National Pot Pie Month.

I took the leftover beef and gravy and added frozen peas and carrots. I used store-bought puff pastry and made pot pies. The flakiness from the crust and the creamy filling made the most delicious meal. I prepared them in individual metal tins so each person gets more puff pastry. How could anyone resist?

I served the pot pies with whole baby corn. I was able to find some at my local Asian market despite the season (check for Melissa’s baby corn brand).  

1. Info for Roast Beef Pot Pie Recipe

2. Ingredients for Roast Beef Pot Pie Recipe

3. Directions:

  1. Preheat the oven to 425°F.
  2. Lightly spray some oil on 6 disposable pot pie pans. Remove the excess oil.
  3. Roll out the puff pastry on a very lightly floured surface. Cut into 6 disks slightly bigger than the circumference of the pot pie tins. Lay a dough round on each pot pie pan and press it into the mold. Prick the puff pastry dough with a fork. Brush a thin layer of egg over the puff pastry and place the pot pie tins in the refrigerator until the rest of the preparation is ready. 
  4. Shred the meat using two forks: have the forks meet at the middle and pull in opposite directions to separate the beef. If the meat is very tender, it should be pull apart easily.

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