Revealed!  The most popular foods consumed on Christmas Day

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The classic, crispy roast potatoes came in 1st place on the list of most popular foods! But are you really surprised?  Loved by all, this vegetarian side dish couldn't be easier to make as the perfect side to your main Christmas dish. Try our recipe for the perfect potatoes every time!

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1. Roast potatoes

Coming in at number 2 of the most popular Christmas foods: carrots! Crunchy, colourful and fresh, your Christmas dinner wouldn't be complete without carrots! This Hairy Biker's recipe for Glazed carrots will quickly become your go to recipe as it is such an easy and delicious dish.

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2. Carrots

At number 3 on the list of most popular Christmas foods it's the one, the only, the Turkey! It may have been beaten by potatoes and carrots but the main feature of any Christmas feast couldn't be any further on the list.  Our guide on how to cook a turkey will help you wow your friends and family.

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3. Turkey

Number 4 on the list is the reason your Christmas dinner isn't dry and plain - it's gravy!  Smooth and flavourful, whether you like a drizzle or downpour your Christmas dinner is complete without this classic sauce.

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4. Gravy

Classic stuffing came in 5th on the list of most popular Christmas foods! What would your dinner be without it?  This sage and onion recipe proves that sometimes the simplest of dishes really is the best.

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5. Stuffing

At number 6 on the list of most popular Christmas foods it's the food you can never only have one of - pigs in blankets!  The cripsy bacon really compliments the bite size sausage for a burst of flavour.

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6. Pigs in blankets

Parsnips made there spot 7th on the list of the most popular Christmas foods. Roasted they're bursting with flavour and a delicate crunch. A staple vegetable for your Christmas dinner menu.

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7. Parsnips

Love the or hate them, you can't deny classic brussel sprouts are an essential part of any Christmas dinner and that's why they've earnt their spot at number 8 of the most popular Christmas foods. Looking to jazz them up a bit for that extra punch of flavour? Check out Gordon Ramsay's recipe for brussel sprouts with pancetta.

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8. Brussels sprouts

Traditional Christmas pudding came in 9th on the list, beating Yorkshire pudding!  And don't worry, you don't have to miss out this Christmas due to dietary restrictions, we have a delicious recipe for a gluten-free Christmas pudding which will taste just as good as the original and keep you in the festive spirit!

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9. Christmas pudding

Fluffy, crispy, a simple delight, the classic yorkshire pudding rates 10th on the list of the most popular Christmas foods.  Once you've tried the Hairy Biker's recipe for yorkshire puddings you'll never want to buy shop bought ones again!

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10. Yorkshire pudding

Number 11 on the list of most popular Christmas foods goes to cranberry sauce!  Deliciously tart and sweet, it's a staple for roasts and Christmas dinner spreads.

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11. Cranberry sauce

You could never forget broccoli for your Christmas dinner, and that's why it ranks in at number 12 for the most popular Christmas foods. Serve it simple or go that extra mile with this delicious roasted broccoli with parmesan and pistachios recipe.

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12. Broccoli

Looking for something a little bit different to accompany your Christmas turkey?  Why not try the popular choice of cauliflower cheese, which comes in at number 13 on the list of the most popular Christmas foods.

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13. Cauliflower cheese

Fancy something different to the classic Christmas turkey? Why dont you try this delicious maple roast gammon recipe.  Succulent roast ham came in 14th on the most popular Christmas foods list so you know it's still sure to be a crowd pleaser!

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14. Roast ham

There's an abundance of smoked salmon recipes you could try to add variety to your Christmas dinner spread.  From salads to bite sized salmon parcels, there's a good reason why smoked salmon ranked at number 15 on the most popular Christmas foods list!

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15. Smoked salmon

Roast beef claims the 16th spot on the list of most popular Christmas foods, a great choice for those who prefer red meat over white.  This recipe is infused with mustard and thyme so it's packed full of delicious, rich flavours.

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16. Roast beef

Prawns are such a versatile dish there's so much you can do with them, letting them earn their spot at number 19 on the list of most popular Christmas foods!  You couls serve them as a starter in the form of prawn cocktail, or maybe even garlic and spice them for a simple side accompaniament. Check out our great list of prawn recipes below!

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17. Prawns

18th place goes to the classic that is bread sauce.  Our recipe using onion, cloves and bay leafs creates a delicious aroma, no wonder it's one of the most popular Christmas foods.

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18. Bread sauce

Eggs! So simple they're often forgotten, yet there is so many different ways you can prepare them.  19th on the list of most popular Christmas foods, you'll want to make sure they make it on to your table and everyone's plates by following some of our great egg recipes.

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19. Eggs

We all know you can't beat a tender roast chicken, and that's exactly why makes it onto the list of most popular Christmas foods at number 2o!  This recipe is seasoned with simple lemon and thyme which work flavour wonders together and mean it's super easy to prepare and cook alongside all of your other Christmas day dishes.

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20. Roast chicken

Time for roast potatoes to make room for roast sweet potatoes! Claiming the 21st spot on the list of the most popular Christmas foods, roasted sweet potatoes are a great way to get some healthy Vitamin A and fibre into your diet. Try using this delicious recipe for sweet potato wedges as a staple for your Christmas dinner menu.

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21. Roast sweet potatoes

Roast lamb doesn't have to be just for Easter dinner, it's also made it on to the lsit of the most popular Christmas foods at number 22. Another great alternative if you're bored of the classic turkey.

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22. Roast lamb

Chutney, a delicious preserve that goes great as a spread on crusty bread and crackers. Make sure you don't forget to add it to your menu, your guests will be sad to miss the sauce that ranks 23rd on the list of the most popular Christmas foods. For inspiration why not look at a few of our recipes!

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23. Chutney

Number 24 on the list for the most popular Christmas foods is cheese sauce, and you can learn how to make the most perfect version with our easy recipe.

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24. Cheese sauce

25th place on the lsit of the most popular Christmas foods go to berries! Simple and sweet, they can be used in some many different ways to sweeten up your Christmas dinner. 

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25. Berries

From desserts to drinks, why not take inspiraton from our delicious berry caipiroska cocktail? Just remember to swap the vodka for lemonade to make it a family favourite this Christmas.

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25. Berries

A nut roast is a real vegetarian winner for Christmas dinner so no wonder it ranks in at number 26th on the list of most popular Christmas foods.  Try Mary Berry's delicious recipe below to really wow your friends and family.

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26. Nut roast

Sometimes you just can't beat a crowd pleaser, so give in and serve chips at your Christmas dinner.  A great simple option for the fussy eaters at the table, chips placed 27th on the list of the most popular Christmas foods so it's definitely going to be a winner.

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27. Chips

Just because it's Christmas doesn't mean you should be skipping out on your all-important green veggies! Spinach is ranked the 28th most popular Christmas food so better make sure you sneak it in amongst the carrots and broccoli. Why not have a look at a few of our spinach recipes for ideas on how to make it a show stopper?

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28. Spinach

Number 29 on the list of the most popular Christmas foods goes to the oh so healthy super-food Kale! Packed with essential Vitamins and Nutrients, you'll be glad you had you're serving to make up for all the tasty Christmas desserts that are still to come. Why not have a look at some of our great Kale recipes to get your creative mind flowing?

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29. Kale

Not just the dummy present in your stocking, avocado is a delicious versatile food that can be worked into your christmas dinner in so many different ways, earning it's spot at the 30th most popular Christmas food. Have a look at our great recipes!

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30. Avocado