Stuffing and pork wellington recipe

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– 1 tbsp olive oil – 1 onion, very finely chopped – 4 garlic cloves, finely chopped – 2 x 350g packs Tesco Finest sausagemeat – 85g fresh white bread, blitzed to breadcrumbs – 50g dried cranberries or dried apricots, roughly chopped

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– 25g shelled pistachios, roughly chopped – 15g fresh sage leaves, finely chopped – 400g pork fillet – 1 x 500g block puff pastry – plain flour, for dusting – 1 egg, beaten

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1. Heat ½ tbsp oil in a lidded frying pan over a low heat. Add the onion, cover and cook for 8 mins until softened. Stir in the garlic and cook, uncovered, for 2 mins. 

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Tip into a large bowl and set aside to cool completely. Once cool, add the sausagemeat, breadcrumbs, dried fruit, pistachios and sage; season. Mix well to combine. Cover and chill.

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2. Heat a nonstick frying pan over a high heat. Rub the pork with ½ tbsp oil, then sear in the pan for 2-3 mins, rotating every 20 secs until just browned all over. Transfer to a plate to cool completely.

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3. Put the stuffing on a sheet of baking paper. Shape into a rectangle 20cm wide and as long as the pork. Place the pork on top and, using the paper to help you, roll up to encase in the stuffing, using your hands to shape the stuffing around the meat. Chill for 30 mins.

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4. Meanwhile, roll out one-third of the pastry on a lightly floured surface to a rectangle of about 32 x 18cm (it needs to be at least 3cm bigger than the stuffing log on all sides). Transfer to a sheet of nonstick baking paper. 

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Roll out the remaining pastry to a 25 x 35cm rectangle; transfer to a second sheet of baking paper. Chill both for 15 mins.

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5. Transfer the smaller sheet of pastry (on its paper) to a large baking tray. Place the stuffing log lengthways in the centre and brush the pastry border with egg. 

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Lift the larger sheet of pastry on top, then press the edges together around the meat, gently sealing and ensuring there are no air pockets; trim, leaving 2-3cm pastry all the way around. Reserve any offcuts for decoration. Pinch and twist the pastry border, then brush with egg.

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6. Reroll the trimmings and cut out festive shapes, if you like. Secure on top and glaze with the egg. Pierce the pastry at each end and cut a steam hole on top. Cover and chill for 30 mins, or for up to 6 hrs.

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7. Preheat the oven to gas 6, 200°C, fan 180°C. Bake the Wellington for 1 hr until crisp and the meat is cooked through. Rest for 10-15 mins, then slice to serve.

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