Recipe For Easy Vegetable and Canellini Bean Soup

Easy Vegetable and Canellini Bean Soup

It’s the dawn of a New Year and everyone I know is trying to get back on track with resolutions toward healthy eating. Soups are always a “go-to” for me when it comes to weight loss. They are loaded with nutrition, simple to make, and very satisfying! This soup is sure to be a favorite of picky eaters, kids, and healthy eaters alike!

This dish is:

It is really super healthy, low cal soup that has wonderful flavor and will soothe the soul on a cold winter day. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

1. Info for Easy Vegetable and Canellini Bean Soup

2. Ingredients for Easy Vegetable and Canellini Bean Soup

3. Directions:

  1. Place a large pot or dutch oven over med-high heat. Add a dash of olive oil, minced garlic, diced onion, carrots, and celery. Sprinkle with sea salt and pepper and let cook, stirring occasionally, until the onion is translucent (about 5-7 minutes).
  2. Then add canned tomatoes, tomato paste, chicken stock, spices, and water. Stir, and taste, adding more sea salt as needed. Cover and let cook for about 20 minutes.
  3. Next add drained canellini beans and sliced zucchini. Taste again and adjust seasonings as needed. If you soup needs a little zing, you can add a dash of white wine vinegar at this point too! Cover and cook another 10 mins or until veggies are fully cooked.
  4. Serve piping hot with toasted Ezekiel bread (you’ll find it in the freezer section at your local health food store) and viola!

4. Tips and advices:

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