Stupid-Easy Recipe for Frozen Oat Milk Lattes (#1 Top-Rated)

Stupid-Easy Recipe for Frozen Oat Milk Lattes (#1 Top-Rated)

These cold, creamy, and dairy-free frozen coffees are the perfect afternoon pick-me-up. You’ll never have to overspend on drinks from a cafe again! If you freeze the coffee cubes and keep them on hand, you can make the drinks anytime you like.

Satisfy your sweet tooth with this easy-to-make recipe for Frozen Oat Milk Lattes.

1. Info for Frozen Oat Milk Lattes

2. Ingredients for Frozen Oat Milk Lattes

3. Directions:

  1. Pour the coffee into ice cube trays. Freeze until completely solid, at least 2 hours.
  2. Place the frozen coffee cubes, oat milk, and brown sugar in a blender. Process on high until the mixture becomes slushy, about 30 seconds.
  3. Divide the frozen latte between glasses and serve immediately, with spoons.


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