Recipe For Avocado Shake (Sinh To Bo)

Avocado Shake (Sinh To Bo)

Sinh tố bơ is a Vietnamese-style avocado milk shake. In Vietnamese, avocado is called trái bơ, which literally translates to “butter fruit”. The name is quite appropriate for this drink, which is sinfully rich. I take heart, no pun intended, in the fact that avocados are so nutritious and are loaded with the healthy kind of fat.

1. Info for Avocado Shake (Sinh To Bo)

2. Ingredients for Avocado Shake (Sinh To Bo)

3. Directions:

  1. Peel the avocados and chop them into cubes. Drizzle lemon juice on the avocados to avoid oxidation. Add honey, if you like.
  2. In a blender, combine all the ingredients until very smooth.
  3. Pour into 8 glasses. Finish with a bubble tea fat straw.
  4. Enjoy!

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