Recipe For Clean and Spicy Vegetable Soup

Clean and Spicy Vegetable Soup

It’s officially soup season! A huge cold front has hit most of the US and when temps get this low, all I want is something warm! I’ve been very busy with clients and had a fridge heaping with veggies that needed to be used before they went bad. I was very pleasantly surprised with how AMAZING this soup turned out. I honestly wasn’t expecting it to be anything special but somehow the ingredients all go together perfectly! The best part is that it just takes a little prep time to make enough to last the rest of the week! This soup is full of flavor but still low fat, low carb, dairy free, vegetarian, vegan, AND paleo so this soup is perfect for just about anyone no matter what their dietary restrictions are!

1. Info for Clean and Spicy Vegetable Soup

2. Ingredients for Clean and Spicy Vegetable Soup

3. Directions:

  1. In a crockpot or large dutch oven over med-high heat place all your ingredients and enough water to fill to the top of your pot. Cover and let cook on med for about 60 mins, adjusting salt & pepper as needed.

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