Recipe For POM Pizazz

POM Pizazz

For my son’s birthday dinner party, I tried to take his favorite foods and fancy them up to a new level. Pizza became a puffed pastry tart, chocolate became a hazelnut torte topped with mousse,watermelon was turned into a mock-tail, French fries turned into ‘pomme de terre Lorette,’ bacon managed to find its way around the roast and pop became a POM Pizazz.

I had received a case of POM Wonderful Pomegranate juice earlier in the week and the Thinker’s party seemed like the perfect time to create a drink out of that lovely juice. By adding club soda, it became pop to the guys. Because I served it in stemware, they couldn’t guzzle it, but they all had thirds and finished off the entire pitcher before the end of the night.

1. Info for POM Pizazz

2. Ingredients for POM Pizazz

3. Directions:

  1. Mix all into a large pitcher, serve cold.
  2. Optional: add an orange slice to each glass.

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